Fit for the Future: How can we build an NHS that meets the future healthcare needs of the UK's population?

8th October 2023

15:15 – 16:30

Meeting Room 4B, ACC Liverpool

Join us as we explore how to build an NHS that is resilient, adaptable and able to meet the UK’s future needs. We will discuss the key challenges faced by our healthcare system and the potential solutions which can transform care and outcomes for all UK citizens, especially for emergency patients, older people and those living with Parkinson’s.



Laura Silver

Editor, PoliticsHome

Preet Gill MP

Shadow Minister for Primary Care and Public Health

Debbie Abrahams MP

Chair of the Health in All Policies APPG

Dr Adrian Boyle

President, Royal College of Emergency Medicine

Professor Adam Gordon

President, British Geriatrics Society

Juliet Tizzard

Director of External Relations, Parkinson’s UK

Sed haec quis possit intrepidus aestimare tellus. Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi dolor. Me non paenitet nullum festiviorem excogitasse ad hoc. Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Ambitioni dedisse scripsisse iudicaretur.
A communi observantia non est recedendum. Phasellus laoreet lorem vel dolor tempus vehicula. Unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Morbi odio eros, volutpat ut pharetra vitae, lobortis sed nibh. Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum.