Charting the Course: Boosting local regeneration and the low carbon economy through port development

30th September 2024

14:00 – 15:15

Hall 10B, ICC

Ports as catalysts for green economic growth and regeneration. Join the conversation on driving regional prosperity.


port of london logo


Robert Courts

Former MP for Witney

Sian Foster

Director of Corporate Affairs, Port of London Authority

Jordan Harkins

Head of Communications, Port of Aberdeen

Baron Houchen of High Leven

Mayor of Tees Valley

Tom Sawyer

CEO Port of Milford Haven

Eric Lawrence

Research Volunteer

Sed haec quis possit intrepidus aestimare tellus. Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi dolor. Me non paenitet nullum festiviorem excogitasse ad hoc. Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Ambitioni dedisse scripsisse iudicaretur.
A communi observantia non est recedendum. Phasellus laoreet lorem vel dolor tempus vehicula. Unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Morbi odio eros, volutpat ut pharetra vitae, lobortis sed nibh. Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum.